Ethos Audit — Clever Minu

Ethos Project
2 min readOct 12, 2022


This Audit was conducted Ethos development teams. The following summarizes the details of the full Audit report provided to the client, the Clever Minu project.

Overall audit result: POSITIVE

Ethos’ audit of the Clever Minu smart contract has concluded with a POSITIVE result.

Clever Minu team has produced a smart contract that adheres to the security measures known to reduce risks among known EVM/Solidity smart contract attack vectors.

For the full detailed audit report, click here.

Result Summary

The Clever Minu token project has been audited by Ethos and has been given a PASSING grade.

The CLEVERMINU is a token smart contract built on the Polygon Network.

The audit found several low risk and informational issues that don’t require any changes due to their low impact on the overall security of the smart contract and wallets.

The contract also does not contain any backdoors or malicious code. There are functions that allow the owner to update the tax fees per transaction which requires community transparency to mitigate any risk to token investors.

Project details can be found here:

About Clever Minu

This is a community-based token that puts you first and opens up a new world in the world of cryptocurrencies and tokens.


About Ethos

Ethos is a a wholistic crypto services organization which specializes in bringing additional security to the crypto space by applying a proven and standardized approach to token and platform smart contract auditing.

Ethos’ team of experienced developers bring decades of development and code auditing history from the traditional software development world.

The code review conducted for Ethos audits follow the following structure:

  1. Review of specifications, documentation to assess smart contract functionality
  2. Manual, line-by-line review of code
  3. Code’s adherence to functionality as presented by documentation
  4. Automated tool-driven review of smart contract functionality
  5. Assess adherence to best practices
  6. Provide actionable recommendations




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